The Book

In my first blog I said that I was reading a book called ‘Girl Online’, well I’m still reading it and I’m almost done but there was something in it that I wanted to share with you guys.


It says, “I chose to believe in myself. I chose to trust Noah and fall in love. I am a good person. It doesn’t matter what anyone says about me online. I know the truth because this is my life story, not theirs. And OK, so it hasn’t turned out to be the perfect love story, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t have one, one day. My life can be anything I want it to be-as long as I keep remembering that it’s mine. Not theirs.”

You will have to read the book to figure out the situation. What that part of the book was saying was that no matter what happens to you in life there is always hope. Everybody has gone through a hard time in their life and will continue to have horrible moments, if you haven’t had one trust me you will get them. Everybody goes through this and we all feel alone when going through this but trust me you’re not. I have gone through so many of them, and tomorrow I’m pretty sure I will get one of these hard moments and I will feel all alone and like nobody likes me and like everybody feels like I’m an idiot. All I feel is like I’m alone with this, but reading this book helped me see that I’m not alone and no matter what happens you won’t be alone too. I know that you will feel alone but please try to see that you are loved and you’re not alone in anything.

I know nobody is reading this but if someone is please just let me know and comment a hard time you have had to go through or how you have gotten over a hard time.


Sunrise, sunset xoxo

Posted: December 19th, 2014 under Uncategorized.

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Comment from Stephen
December 31, 2014 at 8:53 am

I have a hard time trying to get thru some of the requests I get at work. But I get through it knowing that I can always leave work and be with my family.

Comment from Julie Alverson
December 31, 2014 at 9:21 am

“I chose to believe in myself” I love it! We have so much power, love, strength and light within ourselves. Choosing to have confidence in ourselves and our abilities will help us get through many things. Knowing where that light comes from will give us even more strength when we feel we have none. I believe it comes from God. We are His children and with that comes wonderful gifts. What ever you are facing be strong because you are a daughter of God and he loves you. Thank you for sharing your wise words.

Comment from Steve
December 31, 2014 at 9:35 am

Many years ago I chose to create a website to help people who felt alone. I’ve met so many people who felt that way and shared the same frustrations and struggles. It’s helped me look at life differently and the importance of talking and supporting people.

You made a very good point in your writing and you never know who’s reading this. It just takes the right words at the right time to help someone and you may never know that you did.

Comment from Donna
December 31, 2014 at 10:32 am

I recently went through a time of feeling very lonely, even though I have a house full of people around me. I kept blaming the ones closest to me, thinking they weren’t treating me right, or I wouldn’t feel so lonely. After a few weeks of this I had a clarifying moment (while reading as well) and realized that my family hadn’t changed, but I had. I was in a depression and hadn’t recognized the signs. This realization helped me to solve the problem, instead of wallowing in it. Reading a good book can be such a great way to find the words that define our lives, and bring us clarification & blessings! Thanks for your post!

Comment from Ginger Coria
December 31, 2014 at 4:26 pm

I believe that everyone feels this way at times in their life. I’m just grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ & my knowledge that I’m never alone as long as I seek out the companionship of our savior. Great thoughts on this Addie!

Comment from Veronica
December 31, 2014 at 5:48 pm

Sometimes it can be hard to have a blog and not have any comments because it can seem like a failure. I also have a blog that no one ever leaves comments on. And occasionally read a blog that hardly anyone comments on. It used to bother me a little, but now I’ve realized that the blog is important to me, no matter who else reads it. It’s kind of like the book passage you talked about: I choose to believe in myself.

Comment from Torre
December 31, 2014 at 6:35 pm

I have had many hard times and disappointments. Just believe in yourself, trust in God’s love and never….never give up.

Comment from Callie
December 31, 2014 at 7:42 pm

When I was younger it was a little easy but I still had hard times. It’s wasn’t until I was 13 and lost my mother that I truly understand what it was like to have hard times and be alone. I still feel that way. I still feel alone and that people look at me weird. You’re not alone at all. I’m here if you ever need talk. I’m a great listener!

Comment from Susy
December 31, 2014 at 10:25 pm

On Monday night my father in law had a massive heart attack and he is on life support while we wait for the last of his 9 kids to gather. This is a very hard time with quite a few hard days still ahead. Being a part of this very large loving family, we will love and support each other thru this. We know families are forever and this is goodbye for now not forever. We will try hard to work hard and serve others because that is how he has lived his life.

Comment from Nanabb
January 1, 2015 at 11:30 am

Addie, I really enjoyed your comment. It was so grown up . I know you are a beautiful teenager now, but I still have to get over thinking of you as a little girl. You are so right, we all go through hard times, it actually helps us grow, especially helps us to be understanding of others. Yes, do believe in yourself, and know that you are loved by many people who want the very best for you. And should thosestorms people be scarce in your life, know that your gathering Heaven loves you.
Thank you Addie, for your thoughts and for being such a delightful grand daughter. Love you!

Comment from Kimberly
January 3, 2015 at 5:46 pm

Your comment really resonates with me. Choosing to believe in yourself regardless of what the world tells you is important. 2014 was a very hard year for me. I was diagnosed with cancer and spent nine weeks in the hospital. I had to decide early on how I was going to react and I chose to be positive and happy…I have cancer, but cancer does not have me. Havjng an upbeat attitude has helped my health improve drastically. I have also come to know how much my Heavenly Father and Jesus love me. They never leave me alone. They did not take away the hard time, but made me equal to the task. I’m grateful for the hard times and the blessings that have come from it. thanks so much for your post.